Below you’ll find all side projects I’ve been involved with in the past years.
WooMind (2017)
A fresh new look at bookmarking/read-it-later services. It would have in-browser highlights, Markdown-powered notes, RSS feeds, outliners, etc. to create the perfect PKB.
This was a fully functional PoC built in Node.js / Material UI to speed up development. Our calendars were too busy and it never made it to market. In 2022, Reader was released and takes most of those ideas into a good alternative.
Migration of the Giving What We Can website (2014)
Together with Adam Malone we migrated to Drupal 7. This was a fun late nights/early mornings project requiring both Drupal and DevOps skills we’ve taken on to help the Effective Altruism community. Read the blog post.
Drupal tooling (2011-2022)
When I was working in Acquia’s Customer Success, I kept coming up with ways to improve my efficiency and remove any friction with common operations I had to perform. Below is the result of those needs:
- d9: Quickly install Drupal 9 dev apps with the power of Lando.
- drucker: Docker-based, Ansible-managed containers to provide a fully working Drupal 8 environment.
- quick-drupal: Quickest way to install, test and contribute to Drupal.
- drupal-8-tools: suite of simple bash scripts to provision a fresh Drupal 8 site, but also audit your code or provide a module scaffolding.
DrupalFacile (2010-2022)
For over 2 years I worked on creating video tutorials to teach french-speaking people about Drupal. Then I moved to creating regular tutorials for a few more years on until I pulled down the plug in 2022 after 12 years.
- Meetup Lyon 2016: Configuration Management with Drupal 8 (in french)
- Acquia Webinar: Migrating to Drupal 8: How to Migrate Your Content and Minimize the Risks
- DrupalCamp Nantes 2016 : Migrate a Drupal 6 or 7 site to Drupal 8 - View presentation or video recording (in french)
- Meetup Lyon 2016: Automated Drupal dev environnements with LXC and Ansible (in french)
- Meetup Lyon 2015: Continuous Integration for everybody (in french)
- Meetup Lyon 2014: Securing a Drupal site (in french)
- Meetup Lyon 2013: Optimize Drupal performances with caching (in french)
- DrupalCamp Paris 2013: Industrialize the management of multimedia files - View presentation or video recording (in french)
- DrupalCamp Lyon 2012: Optimize Drupal performances from the trenches - View presentation (in french)